All-in-one CSRD Platform.


GAP analysis - a comprehensive overview

The GAP analysis is an important milestone within the CSRD preparation process. After double materiality has been assessed, it is time to verify which of the 1100 datapoints are available and who is responsible. Check out our guidelines & software functionalities here.

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GAP analysis

The GAP analysis makes clear what still needs to be done in order to finish your first CSRD report. Probably, some policies and datapoints are already available. However, it is likely that most types of information should be improved or gathered from scratch. 

With hundreds of documents describing over 1100 datapoints, it is not difficult to loose sight over what CSRD demands from your organisation. That’s why a step by step approach is recommended. To get a clear overview of what is needed, start. by identifying which ESG topics are material.

Using Ecocharting CSRD software, you can automatically visualize which datapoints should be included in your sustainability report. Keep track of what is available and make a plan of how to reach full compliance. 

Materiality assessment Ecocharting

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In practice

How to perform the GAP analysis

Materiality assessment Ecocharting

Luckily, not all datapoints are relevant (material) to your organisation. So first, it is essential to identify which datapoints should be included in your report. Based on which topics are material, Ecocharting automatically shows you which datapoints should be included in your CSRD report. 

Now, the GAP analysis can be performed. You can verify which information is already available and what data should still be gathered. This ranges from certain KPI’s such as the number of employees, to extensive documents such as policies & action plans.  


ESG topics


Possible datapoints


Types of impacts & scores

CSRD & Ecocharting

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Ecocharting Software

Get started and perform the GAP analysis digitally

In our software, the GAP analysis can be performed digitally.  Follow our step-by-step process, and the available data points will automatically come into focus.

Identify material topics

Use Ecocharting to perform the double materiality assessment which helps to identify the material topics for CSRD. 

Identify material datapoints

Based on materiality, Ecocharting will automatically identify which datapoints should be included in your CSRD report.

GAP analysis

Identify which data is available and what still needs to be gathered in our interactive CSRD software platform.

Roadmap CSRD

Our most up-to-date whitepaper. Discover a complete overview of the regulations and the steps to be taken: 

Start CSRD preparations today using Ecocharting.

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