La plataforma todo en uno para CSRD


Ecocharting Carbon - Calculate GHG emissions

Disclosing scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions is part of your CSRD report. The EU has estimated that up to 20% of your time for preparing CSRD will be spent on calculating these emissions. It is needless to say that chosing the right CSRD solution with included GHG calculator can help you significantly in saving time. Learn about how Ecocharting helps.

Con la confianza de empresas LÍDERES EUROPEAS

Scope 1, 2 and 3 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions are one of the most crucial aspects of CSRD reporting. For almost any business, climate mitigation or energy will be a material topic. As a result, you are asked to disclose your own emissions and those arising in your value chain.

The CSRD refers to the GHG protocol for calculating emissions. For example, for calculating your emissions in the value chain (Scope 3), there are 15 predefined categories of emissions that you need to take into account. 

By identifying which activities, such as waste generation or value chain logistics, are happening in your situation, we can calculate your GHG emissions. Doing this without a proper software solution will be a challenge. 

CSRD y Ecocharting

Únase a nuestro próximo seminario web para aprender sobre la CSRD y cómo Ecocharting puede ayudarle en su viaje hacia la sostenibilidad.  

En la práctica

Calculating emissions according to the GHG Protocol

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The GHG protocol identifies several steps in calculating emissions. An important first step is identifying the activities that take place. Using emission factors, the activities can be converted into tCO2 equivalant, which represents the amount of GHG emissions that occur.

Since the calculation of GHG emissions for CSRD can take up to 20% of the time of your total CSRD preparation, selecting a suitable software solution is crucial.

Software de Ecocharting

Get started with calculating your emissions

Our advise is not to wait with finishing your double materiality assessment before you get started with GHG emission calculations. Why? To be able to get a complete picture of your activities, you will have to gather a lot of internal and external data. 

Determine the calculation method

GHG calculations can be done in several ways. The advise is to use the most accurate method for your largest emission categories. This means getting into the actual data.

Identify activities

List all activities that take place by gathering activity data, such as energy usage, buying of material and waste generation.

Convert to emissions

Using emission factors, everything can be converted into tCO2 equivalent, representing the GHG emissions of your business. The entire process is facilitated by Ecocharting software.

Hoja de ruta CSRD

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