

EU Taxonomy - all you need to know

As part of your CSRD, you are required to report on EU Taxonomy KPIs. This entails defining to what extent your business activities and investments are ‘green’ as defined by the EU. Calculating these metrics and disclosing related narratives is part of the intuitive CSRD Platform by Ecocharting. 

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EU Taxonomy - this is what you need to know

To enable financial parties to get more transparency on the sustainability of their investments, the EU has developed a method for determining to what extent business activities are green. In case you are required to report according to CSRD, you should calculate EU Taxonomy metrics to disclose this information following the right guidelines. 

The first step is to identify which of your business activities are labeled by the EU as ‘possibly green’ – these are the so-called eligible activities. You then want to know how much revenue and investments are related to these activities within your business. 

The fact that these activities are eligible, does not mean that they are definitely sustainable as defined by the EU taxonomy. To calculate the final share, you need to identify to what extent your activities are ‘aligned’ with all criteria as set by the taxonomy. This means that you need to identify whether you do not harm the environment, and whether you really have a positive contribution to one of 6 environmental goals, such as mitigating climate change. 

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In der Praxis

How to get started with EU Taxonomy

Wesentlichkeitsbewertung Ecocharting

Die ESRS-Richtlinien geben ganz klar an, was in Ihren CSRD-Richtlinien beschrieben werden sollte. Dies in die Praxis umzusetzen, kann jedoch immer noch eine große Herausforderung sein. Deshalb haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit Experten & Wirtschaftsprüfern einen pragmatischen Ansatz entwickelt.

Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen Ihrer doppelten Wesentlichkeitsbewertung können Ihre CSRD-Richtlinien, -Maßnahmen und -Ziele automatisch festgelegt werden. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie bei der Vorbereitung auf die CSRD erheblich viel Zeit sparen können. 


Taxonomy Goals


KPIs per Goal


Easy steps to get prepared

CSRD & Ecocharting

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Get started and calculate EU Taxonomy KPI's

In our software, you are helped in preparing the right EU Taxonomy metrics in a very intuitive way. This follows an easy to grasp process consisting of some simple steps. 

Identify eligible activities

Identify whether your activities are ‘possibly’ green by looking up your business activity NACE codes.

Determine the alignment of activities

Make sure your activities have a positive contribution to the goal and identify that you do not harm any environmental theme. 

Calculate & Disclose metrics

Per goal, you need to calculate three main metrics. These KPI’s include the revenue share, CapEx investments and OpEx investments. 

Roadmap CSRD

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